A Care Coordinator will provide group and one to one support to members of the Carers group. Becoming a member of this group will enable you to receive support in these areas too:
- Socialisation and participation in activities
- Peer support and the possibility of forming friendships
- Training and information about mental health and wellbeing
- Signposting and referral to other services.
- Participation in consultations with National Organisations like The Race Equality Foundation
Support Group
We aim to provide support to carers to maintain their wellbeing whilst caring for a relative, partner or friend who is from an African Caribbean background who is recovering from ill mental health.
It is important to us that your mental health and well-being improves as a result of using this service. To monitor this you will be asked to complete a Well-Being Questionnaire every month. Your scores on this questionnaire will tell us where you may be having some problems or where you are making progress. You and the Care Coordinator can look at ways to work through any difficult areas.
To help monitor your wellbeing you will be asked to complete a Wellbeing questionnaire every six weeks. Your scores on this questionnaire will tell us where you may be having some problems or where you are making progress.