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University of Wolverhampton Mental Health Occupational Therapy student, Ferleen has undertaken an 11 week placement at Sandwell African Caribbean Mental Health Foundation.
During her placement, she has learnt the importance of confidentiality, understanding our service users needs and understanding the processes in place to help support those in need with their mental health and well-being.
One of her assessment outcomes was to create and present a workshop on a topic of her choice. On Thursday 11th January she carried out a Stroke Awareness Workshop to service users.
The workshop presented: what a stroke is, what are the signs and symptoms of a stroke and how to prevent them.
The audience had the opportunity to test their knowledge and memory by participating in several fun games relating to what they had learnt and understood during the workshop.
Overall, the feedback given was very positive and gave service users a clearer understanding of the signs and symptoms of a person who may be experiencing a stroke.
Ferleen said: “I have really enjoyed my placement here at the Kuumba centre. The staff were all really friendly and supported me every step of the way. During my time here, I was able to work with people from all different backgrounds which helped me to build my confidence and establish myself as a professional.”